
Other Activities of
Paramarikkum Karangal (TEND)

Residential Children

We do run a children’s Home which is registered under OCH Act in 2004. Now it is also

Registered under JJ Act 2000 as amended in 2006. We do have 110 children (Boys-29, girls 69) . These children are studying from standard 1st to college. These children do come from Different socio, economic and religious back ground. They are given food, shelter, education and career guidance programs In the Home

Community Based Child Care Program

This Program is carried out through out Namakal District. In this Programs We do cover 80

Families which are affected by HIV/AIDS. In this Majority of them are Widows. Their Children and their Immediate in Laws are covered under this program. There are 220 children benefited through this. They are given educational assistance, nutrition, health care and dresses.

We do make sure they go to school complete their formal education. This helps in preventing school drop outs.


We do run two child labor schools in Papampalayam and Kokkarayanpet villages of

Namakal District Which is funded by Government of India to which District Collector is the Chairman. 87 children are covered under this scheme. This helps in education main streaming of school dropouts.

Night School among Nomadic Tribe (Wahiriyar, Gypsies-Community)

The Trust runs a night school for Gypsies Community at Devarayaneri -Trichy (Wahiriyar) Children to ensure their Education continuity. 75 children are benefited through this program. Those children are given regular tuition and night food. Visible Changes Are seen among these Gypsies Community children in their educational output.

NABARD-Short term Vocational Trainings

Through NABARD we do under take different types of short term vocational courses for

Adolescent girls there by making them employable and economically productive. These girls have discontinued their higher education due to poverty and their known social reasons.

Their parents were not able to educate them further. They are semi skilled. On obtaining proper Vocational skills, they become economically productive and independent. They are trained

With the following skills.

  • Desk Top Publishing
  • Tally
  • Health Care Assistance (HCA)

This course is to train adolescent girls to act as medicates between Doctor and Qualified staff. These is a great demand for such Trainees in Private Nursing Home

  • Massage Therapist
  • Tailoring
  • Candle Basket making
  • Toy making
  • Driving

The duration of these courses are two months. Theory and practical demonstration do the Curriculum. The trainees are given certificates by the District Collector.

This Certificated Do fetch them Jobs.

Old Age Home

Our Trust Runs Old Age Home to care for destitute old age people. There are 28 People under our care. These people have been abandoned by their family and relatives. There is no one to take care of them. They are not wanted by their children and in-laws. They are taken care free of cost.

Awareness Programs in Educational Institutes and Community

The trust under takes awareness programs on HIV/AIDS,

Global warming and deforestation In Educational Institutions and Communities.

It is done through organizing rallies, Public meetings, street plays, film shows and through distributing pamphlets.